Isolation, Communication, Conversations

Over ridges folds sands of memories
within time’s machine I reinvent myself
I was loved and I loved
then abused by intent, by indifference
connections seal moments eternal in amber
while goodness taken for granted fails
how good we had it then
but I barely knew the difference
I reach now, will you back?

RXC #234

5 responses to “Isolation, Communication, Conversations”

  1. then abused by intent, by indifference

    Just the word ‘intent’ makes the line so cruel, so heart-rending.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, that is helpful I’ll work from this phrasing on a more vivid piece.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Await reading the piece 👍

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    Isolation, Communication, Conversations … by Artie

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